The United States
To Alsey, a native Cherokee, For property abandoned in the Eastern Nation at Turkey Town, Coosa River, in the state of Alabama came in John Benges Detachment in the year 1838 present residence on Caney Creek, Tahlequah Dist.—
To 40 Head of hogs 120$–3 cows & calves $165.00
“ 1 Three year old steer 8.—12 chickens 1.50 9.50
“ 1 Large water pail 1.—1 small Do. 1.75
“ 1 pair of (illegible) harness 1.—1 Reid 1. 2.00
“ ½ acre in sweet potatoes 10$–1 patch ground peas 14.00
“ 1 patch of beans 5.—1 spinning wheel 3. 8.00
Personally came before us, Alsey, a native Cherokee & claimant of the above account, and deposeth and saith on oath, That all of the above property, she abandoned in the Eastern Nation, without receiving any consideration whatever for the same, of the U. States or any other source—
Sworn & subscribed to before us
This 29th March 1842 Alsey her x mark
D. Carter & J.D. Wofford
Special clerks for making out
Claims for Tahlequah District
Personally came before us, A taw lu nih, a native Cherokee & witness to the above, and states on oath, That he was personally acquainted with the said Alsey in the Eastern Nation, & the statement she has made concerning the abandonment of the above named property is just & true
Sworn & subscribed to before us
This 29th March 1842 A taw lu nih his x mark
D. Carter & J.D. Wofford
Special clerks for making out
Claims for Tahlequah District
The United States
To Atsey, a native Cherokee—
To property abandoned in the Eastern nation on Chattooga State of Alabama in the year 1838—Emigrated in John Benge’s Detachment by land—now resides on Caney Creek, Tahlequah District—To Wit—
To 3 cows & calves 12$ each—1 two year old heifer $44.00
“ 3 two year old steers 15$–44 Head stock hogs 147.00
“ 2 acres cleared land, planted in corn made since
the year 1835-not valued- 40.00
“ 1 House made as above 30$–1 Table 3$ 33.00
“ 1 spinning wheel 3$–1 ax 3$–1 hoe 10.00
“ 1 Rifle Gun 20$–1 other Do. 15$–1 pair pott hooks 35.75
“ 16 Bushels of corn 16$–1 sett plates .75—8 chickens 1. 17.75
Whole amt $327.50
Personally came before us, Atsey, a native Cherokee & claimant of the above account, and deposeth and saith on oath, That she abandoned in the Eastern Nation, in 1838, when compelled to Emigrate to the west, & that she has never received any consideration for the above of the U. States or any other source whatever, & that amount claimed for the same she believes to be just & fair
Sworn & subscribed to before us
This 29th March 1842 Atsey her x mark
D. Carter & J.D. Wofford
Special clerks for making out
Claims for Tahlequah District
Personally came before us, A taw lu nik, a native Cherokee & witness to the above account, and deposeth & saith on oath That he was acquainted with the said Atsey in the Eastern Nation & what she has stated with regard to the abandonment of the above property is just & true
Sworn & subscribed to before us
This 29th March 1842 A taw lu nik his x mark
D. Carter & J.D. Wofford
Special clks for making out claims