Oolayuskee (Little Doctor) (Heirs)

By wjeffbishop • • 28 Nov 2018

The United States to Little Doctor a native Cherokee of the Cherokee Nation East of Coosoowaytee & Coosoowaytee District Emigrated To this country in Elijah Hicks Detachment coming to this country

                Spoliation claim for the heirs of little Doctor namely Man Knocker, Eliza, Wahleyah, Gidahgoyare, aggee, Sandy, their present residence Caney Creek Flint District Cherokee Nation


506 Bushels of old corn @ $1.00                                                                                $506.00

3½ Bushels of Beans @ $1.00                                                                                      6.50

1 looking glass-$1.00 1 Bushel of peas(?)                                                               2.00

1 dollars worth of indigo $1.00—1 large pot $6.00 1 oven (illegible)          9.00

1 bushel of salt $3.00 1 dinner pot $3.00                                                                6.00

1 small pot $1.00 1 large pot $5.00 1 skillet .50                                                   6.50

1 set of plates $1.00 1 set of tea cups & saucers 50                                            1.50

1 tin bucket $1.00 1 coffee pot 75c                                                                           1.75

1 tin pan 50 2 tin cups 25 1 dish $1.00                                                                     1.75

1 set of knives & forks $2.00 1 keeler 50                                                                 2.50

2 water pails $2.00 1 set of Table spoons 50                                                         2.50

2 ladles 50 2 feather beds & 4 sheets 4 good bed quilts                                   70.00

4 bed quilts @$4.00 each                                                                                             16.00

7 Baskets $2.00 2 pr. pot Hooks 50—[3] axes $7.00                                            9.50

1 Barshare Plough & 1 Shovel Plough $6.00                                                           6.00

2 pr. Harness $2.00 2 collars $2.50                                                                            4.50

2 swingle trees $1.50—2 clovises & pins $3.00                                                     4.50

3 Weeding hoes $3.00, 1 horse $80.00                                                                    83.00

1 mans saddle $18.00 1 Bridle & martingale                                                         6.50

2 rifle guns one @ $15—1 at 12 dollars                                                                   27.00

2 shot pouches, $2.00 4 cows and calves $20.00                                                  82.00

5 2 year olds–$40.00—10 head of hogs $8.00 pr                                                80.00

27 head of 1 year old hogs                                                                                           100.00

40 head of shoats and pigs $1.00                                                                               40.00

17 chickens $2—12 ½ , 2 fodder stacks $12.00                                                     14.12 ½


                                                                                                                                                $1059.12 ½

The following is improvements situate about four mile south of Coosoowaytee, place called race paths also the property of little Doctor abandoned or left at the same time of the above for the use of the heirs aforesaid–

Bro’t forw’d

1838—To hewed log cabbin 16 feet square (illegible) floor wood on chimney       $30.00

1 kitchen 14 feet square (common cabbin) (illegible) logs                                               14.00

1 hewed log house commenced 7 logs high board & logs at the floor                        40.00

1 pr. []iever Ear rings $1.50—1 lot of house logs boards & other tin on                     30.00

1 Field of 10 acres of corn growing crop $100.00                                                                 100.00

1 patch of beans of ½ an acre                                                                                                      3.00

1 cotton patch of 1 acre (illegible)                                                                                             10.00

½ an acre of cabbages & other vegetable plants $6                                                            10.00

An orchard of 200-peach trees 7 apple trees                                                                        214.00

1 large bay horse worth                                                                                                                 90.00

1 two year old horse worth                                                                                                          50.00

1 Brown horse 4 years old                                                                                                            60.00

4 large sows $5.00 each                                                                                                                20.00

23 head of stock hogs                                                                                                                    92.00

18 pigs @ $1.00 pr                                                                                                                           18.00

6 sows & 5 barrow Hogs                                                                                                                                76.00

26 Head of 1 year old Hogs                                                                                                          104.00

31 head of shoats & pigs @ $1.00                                                                                              31.00

11 ducks $2.75 30 chickens 25pr. $6.50 cts                                                                           9.25

1 loom 12 yds of thread in wearing harness & reads                                                         14.50

1 large pot $7.00 1 pot $4.50 1 spinning wheel 2 pr. cards                                              17.00

1 small oven and lid $2.00 1 fire shovel $1.00                                                                       3.00

1 small pot $5.00 1 skillet $1.50 cts 1 large oven & lid $4.00                                           6.50

1 large pot $5.00 1 frying pan $2.00                                                                                         7.00

400 dollars left secrated in the woods                                                                                     400.00

2 sets of plates $2.00, 1 set of Tea cups & saucers $1.00                                                  3.00

1 large dish .75—2 tin pans $1.00                                                                                              1.75

2 keelers $1.75—1 large water pail $1.00                                                                               2.75

16 lbs of cotton $2.50 1 large tin bucket $1.25                                                                     3.75

20 lbs of cotton in the seen 50 1 large pitcher $1.50                                                          2.00

1 plain pine Table $3.00 (illegible) walnut cabinet Table $5.00                                      8.00

1 large feather Bed 1 blanket 3 good bed quilts                                                                   50.00

1 feather bed 1 sheet 2 bed quilts                                                                                             30.00

1 Blanket 2 Bed quilts                                                                                                                     13.00

8 Bed quilts of various sizes                                                                                                         32.00



Bro’t forw’d

1 new Bed quilt $10.00 2 toils of factory Thread $4.00                                      $[14].00

Thread (??? red) $1.50 10 yds of (illegible) Thread $2.50                                 4.00

2 chopping axes $5.00 1 mattock $3.00                                                                   8.00

1 two horse Barshare Plough $8.00                                                                           8.00

1 set of Geers clevis pair & swingle tree                                                                 5.00

4 Weeding hoes $5.00 2 large Baskets $1.00                                                         6.00

6 common cane baskets $3.00                                                                                    3.00

1 set of knives & forks $2.50—12 tin cups $1.50                                                  4.00

1 set of Table spoons 50–4 ladles 50                                                                       1.00

2 paddles $3.00 Each $6.00 1 side saddle $10.00                                                 16.00


                                                                                                Total amt.                           $2758.62 ½

Personally came before is Man Knocker & Eliza two of the heirs of little Doctor or Oo lay us kee and after being duely sworn deposeth and saith on oath that the foregoing claim made by them is just & true to the best of their knowledge and that no compensation has been made to their father or to them (or the heirs) in any way whatever

Sworn & subscribed to before us                              

J.D. Wofford       Special clerks for making                               Man Knock his x mark

David Carter       out Cherokee claims                                       Eliza her x mark

Tahlequah District Cherokee Nation

March 24th 1842

Personally came before us Kah nay ge or Speaker & Ste-we and after being duely sworn deposeth and saith that they lived near to little Doctor in Cosoowaytee & knowing to his having been compelled by the soldiers to go into camps at Rojer’s Landing and by which he was debared of the means of securing any property so he and his family was forcibly taken off without being allowed the liberty of taking any more than some few articles of wearing clothes

Sworn & subscribed to before us                              

J.D. Wofford       Special clks for collecting                               Kah nay ge his x mark

David Carter       Cherokee claims                                               Ste-we his x mark

Tahlequah District Cherokee Nation

March 24th 1842