
By wjeffbishop • • 29 Oct 2018

Personally appeared before us Sa no she she and after being duly sworn deposeth and saith that the foregoing statement of claims of spoliation are just and true to the best of his knowledge and that he has never received any compensation for the some from the united states

Sworn to & subscribed before us

James D Wofford                              Clerks for Tahlequah District                        Sa no she she his x mark

David Carter

Cherokee Nation March 12th 1842

Personally came before us Ah low ee and Jack Walking Stick and after being duly sworn deposeth and saith that they were living near the above named Tah no she she in the Easter Nation and of the time when by the force of circumstances was compelled to Emigrate to the western Cherokee Nation in the year above stated and the property by the above named were left by him, consisting of stock & house hold furniture and for which he has not received any compensation from the united states to the best of my knowledge and fully believe he is entitled to pay for the same(?)

Sworn to and subscribed before us

J.D Wofford

David Carter                                                                       Ah low ee his x mark

Tahlequah District                                                            Jack Walking his x mark (illegible)

Cherokee Nation March 12th 1842