The United States
To Gah, lo, nus, kee of the Cherokee Nation East and of the District of Amohee, wah, ki, ah village present residence near park Hill Tahlequah District Cherokee Nation for the following property and improvements which she was compelled to leave by the apportion(?) of troops of the United States under the command of Major Gen’l Scott in the year of 1838
To 8 acres in corn $120.00
Peach orchard of 20 trees 20.00
A farm of 25 acres not valued by the U Agent 250.00
A dwelling house double logs 50.00
20 chickens 2.00
1 cow of calf 15.00
16 Ducks 4.00
1 Iron kettle 5.00
1 Bake Kettle 3.00
1 dinner pot 2.00
1 large & 1 small wheel 6.00
1 Reel 3.00
1 loom 10.00
1 par(?) of Cards 1.00
10 Bushels of Corn 10.00
2 setts of plates 2.00
1 water pail 1.00
3 Keelers(?) 1.50
1 weavers Reed 1.00
25 lbs cotton 6 25
1837 1 horse $100.00
1838 1 horse
Total Amount $612.75
Personally appeared before us Pigeon in Water & Gah, lo, nos, hes, koo and after being duly sworn deposeth and saith on oath that the above account made out is just and true to best of their knowledge and belief, and that the claimant has never been compensated for the losses she sustained in consequence as afore said from the united states or from any other source whatever
Sworn to & subscribed before us
7th March 1838 Pidgeon in Water his x mark
D Carter Gah, lo, noo, hes, koo his x mark
J. D. Wofford Clks
The United States
To Gah, lo, nus, kee of Amohee District in Wah, Kiah village Cherokee Nation East, present residence new Park Hills Tahlequah Cherokee Nation West for 1 horse taken or stolen by the citizens of the United States some time in the year of 1834 and after every (illegible) she was unable to regain said horse or the value thereof. Also one other horse which ran off from her when in (illegible) at the (illegible) Cherokee Nation East and after making all the searching in her power after said horse she has not been able to procure said horse of value before she was compelled to emigrate to this country
Sworn to & subscribed before us
7th March 1842
J.D Wofford Gah, lo, nee, kee her x mark
D. Carter
Personally came before us Pidgeon in Water & Gah, lo, noo, he, kee and after being duly sworn deposes and saith on oath that the above account against the United States is just & true to the best of their knowledge & belief as they lived near neighbours to said Gah, lo, nus, kee & was personally knowing to the facts here on contained
Sworn to and subscribed before us
7th March 1842
J.D Wofford Pidgeon in Water his x mark
D. Carter Gah, lo, noo, hes, kee x mark
Gah lo nus kee Act
No. 88