Thompson Tucker
The United States To Thompson Tucker D,, A native Cherokee and of the Eastern Cherokee Nation, Emigrated to this country in the year of 1833, present residence on the Baron Fork or little Illinois Tahlequah District Cherokee Nation
Spoliation occasioned by the citizens of the United States in 1822—To 1 bay horse worth $80.00
Personally appeared before us Thompson Tucker and after being duely sworn deposeth and says that the horse above named was stolen from him in 1822 by a company of persons at that time known as the pony club, citizens of the united states of the state of Georgia—Taken or stolen from a place called Choestoe near mountains within the chartered limits of Georgia—he said Tucker engaged the services of a person who saw the horse, but could not succeed in recovering it or the value then in possession of afores’d poney club, noted for acts of theft committed by them on the Cherokees about that time
Sworn & subscribed to before us
J.D Wofford Special Clks Thompson Tucker his x mark
David Carter for collecting claims
Tahlequah District Cherokee Nation March 26th 1842
Personally came before us Terrel Henson & Edward Tucker and after being duely sworn deposeth and saith that they were personally acquainted with Thompson Tucker then residing within the then chartered limits of the state of Georgia at a place called Choowostoye from which place some of the citizens of aforesaid state noted at that time for acts of theft on the property of Cherokee citizens thereof, and amongst those from whom horses was stolen was Thompson Tucker one horse worth Eighty Dollars, nor was the horse got nor the value
J.D. Wofford Special Clks Terrel Henson his x mark
David Carter for collecting claims Edward Tucker his x mark
Tahlequah District Cherokee Nation
March 26th 1842