Jack Downing
The United States
To Jack Downing another Cherokee to property abandoned in the Eastern Nation Running Waters Gilmore County Georgia Emigrated in John Drews Detachment by water resides in Tahlequah District near Illinois
To 4 fine horses $550 ‘’ 1 saddle $18 $568.00
‘’ cash loaned to a citizen of United State Troops
and conveyed into camps $50 50.00
‘’ 1 Bridle $6 ‘’ 2 guns $50 ‘’ 5 steel rope(?) $25 81.00
‘’ 300 bas. corn $300 . 2 small cogs(?) $100 301.00
‘’ 1 Bar shear plough and (illegible) $14- 2 shovel ploughs $4 18.00
‘’ 7 weeding hoes $350 ‘’ 2 jalen(?) axes $550 9.00
‘’ ½ bas salt $1 ‘’ soap $2 ‘’ 2 pot hooks $150 ball $1 5.50
‘’ 2 mattocks $4 ‘’ 1 Iron wedge $150 ‘’ 2 (illegible) $1 6.50
‘’ 32 acres in corn growing (illegible) $160 160.00
‘’ ¼ acre sweet potatoes $10 ‘’ (illegible) Irish potatoes $10 20.00
‘’2 (illegible) of land not found on the (illegible) logs $20 20.00
“105 bearing peach trees $105 1 apple tree $2 107.00
Total $ 1146.00
Personally came before us Jack Downing claimant on the above account, and after being duly sworn on a oath deposeth and saith that the above named horse was stolen by citizens of the United States and that the balance of the items was abandoned occasioned by the arrival of the troops of United States and that he has not the chance to dispose of them with the exception of 2 acres of land and the fruit trees which he could not find on the Books, which the claimants lost and that he has never has received any compensation whatsoever
Sworn to and subscribed before us
David Carter special clerks for Jack his x mark Downing
J.D. Wofford collecting claims
Tahlequah District Cherokee nation
April 5th 1842
Personally came before us Watt Downing a witness for the aforesaid claimant who after being Duly sworn on oath Deposeth and said that he was acquainted with the aforesaid claimant in the Eastern nation, and that the above account is current and that he has never received any compensation for the same to the best of his knowledge
Sworn to and subscribed before us
David Carter Special clerks for Watt his x mark Downing
J.D Wofford collecting claims
Tahlequah District Cherokee nation
April 5th 1842