
By wjeffbishop • • 6 May 2013

No. 19
The United States


For 2 cows & calves @ 12     $24.

” 7 killing hogs @ 8       56

” 5 stock do     12.50

” 1 acre sweet potatoes     15.

” 1 do cotton       10.

” 1 acre Pinders     8.

” 1 Wheel  5   1 Bed Stead  4.   9.

” 2 chairs @ 1.50     3.

” 1 Pot 5.00   12 Plates 2.50    7.50

” 40 (symbol) Cotton in seed   1.60

” 50 chickens @ 12 1/2      7.00


No. 19 Aka’s account list    150.60

The claimant in this case states on oath that she lived on Cedar Creek and that she came to this country by water. She states that she lost all the property charged in the ac. by being forced from home by the soldiers, except chickens and calves which were stolen some time before she was forced away, that she heard of them but never had a chance of going to where they were, being among & in possession of the whites.

Sworn to & subscribed before me

10th March 1842

J. Mulkey clk

Aka (x)

her mark

No. 19

The witness Henry states (on oath) that he knew the claimant to be in possession of the property charged in the account & that she was forced to leave all at home when forced away except the cattle, which were stolen as stated by the claimant some time before, and that they were known by many friends to be in possession of white people.

Sworn to & subscribed before me 10th March 1842

J. Mulkey

Henry (x) Earbob

his mark

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