Samuel Dick
The United States
The Samuel Dick, a native Cherokee For property abandoned in the Eastern Nation, by being taken from him by citizens of the U. States, in the year 1836—Emigrated in 1838 in Richard Taylor’s Detachment by land—present residence on the Illinois River, near John Looney’s Tahlequah District—
To 2 cows & claves 15$ each-1 oxen 30$ $60.00
“1 plough 3. –1 sett gears 1.50 4.50
“1 Feather Bed 12$–1 Trunk 3.50 15.50
“1 Field of cleared land consisting of 3 acres
under good fence, not valued, disposed by citizens
of the U. States two years previous to removal $60.00
Whole amt. $140.00
Personally came before us, Samuel Dick, a native Cherokee, & claimant of the above spoliation account & states on oath That all of the above named property he was dispossessed of by white people citizens of the U. States, at the time & place above named & that he has never received any consideration for the same of the U. States or any other source whatever
Sworn $ subscribed to before us
This 1st day of [April] 1842 Samuel his x mark Dick
D. Carter & J.D Wofford
Special Clerks for making out
Claims for Tahlequah District
Personally came before us, Ally Badgers brother(?) a native Cherokee & witness to the above & states on oath That she was acquainted with the said Samuel Dick in the Eastern Nation & knowing to his being dispossessed by white people citizens of the U. States of the above property at the time & manner above stated
Sworn & subscribed to before us This 1st April 1842
D. Carter & J.D Wofford Ally her x mark Badger Brother(?)
Special Clerks for making claims
For Tahlequah Dist.