Charles Melton (Treaty of 1817)
The United States Dr.
To Charles Melton, a native Cherokee, for property abandoned in the East (illegible) after the Treaty of 1817 between the U. States & the Cherokee Nation, some abandoned since the year 1838—
Emigrated in John Benge’s Detachment—Present residence near Bark Hill in Tahlequah District—
To 2 Horses taken by white people citizens of the U. States
about the year 1818—from his residence upon the north
side of Tennessee River Jackson County [Ga] worth $150.00
“ 1 Rifle Gun 25.–$ 124. Cash taken at the same time 149.00
To property abandoned at his removal West in the year 1838—
“ 60 acres in growing corn 300.00
“ 70 Bushels old corn in the crib 35.00
“ 500 Bundles Fodder 7.50
“ 2 Large ovens 6.—4 mattocks 8. 14.00
“ 2 ploughs including gears, double trees $6 20.00
“ 6 weeding hoes 6.—30 chickens 7.50 13.50
“ 1 man saddle 25.—1 Loom, including riging 12. 37.00
“ 3 spinning wheels 9.—3 pr. cotton cards 3. 12.00
Whole amt $728.00
Personally came before us, Charles Milton, a native Cherokee, & claimant of the above account, & states on oath That all of the foregoing property & claims set forth above were abandoned by him as above stated, & that he has never received any consideration for the same of the U. States or any person whomsoever, & the same is a just & true account
Sworn & subscribed to before us
This 1st day of April 1842 Charles his x mark Melton
D. Carter & J.D. Wofford
Special clerks for making out
Claims for Tahlequah District
Personally came before us, Archabald Campbell a native Cherokee & witness of the foregoing account deposeth & saith on oath, That he lived a near neighbor to the said Charles Melton in the Eastern nation, for several years previous to his Emigration to the west, & that he is knowing to the said Melton losing his property as above stated by himself
Sworn & subscribed to before us
This 1st April 1842 Archabald his x mark Campbell
D. Carter & J.D. Wofford
Special clerks for making out
Claims for Tahlequah District