Wutta Fields
No. 20
The United States
Wutta Fields
For A Brood Mare $100
” 19 Killing Hogs @ $8 152
” 30 Stock do @ $2 60
” 1 Loom 8
” 180 Bushels Corn @ $1 180
The claimant in this case states (on oath) that she lived on the Hightower and that she came to this country in 1833 by water and now lives on Spring Creek. She states her mare was killed by white people and that her hogs were taken by them also for Pork & some were driven away, that there was no chance to get redress, or any satisfaction, and that she was forced to leave the country without ever getting any value for the same, all the persons by whom she could have proven this account are dead
Sworn to & subscribed before me 10th March 1842
J. Mulkey Clk
Wutta (x) Fields
her mark
(WJB 2013, 1842 Cherokee Claims)