Tocason (Treaty of 1817)
The United States
To the heirs of Cherokee ah Tocason(?)
To property left & abandoned in the Eastern Nation on the hywassee river on the North side of the River about twelve miles above Columbus in Mcmin County Tennessee left as above stated under the Treaty of 1817 made between the U. States and the Cherokee Nation of Indians
Spoilation occasioned by the treaty of 1817 to Wit
To 1 field of cleared land 41 acres $400.00
“ 30 peach trees 30. 30.00
“ 3 round log houses 50. 50.00
Personally came before us Charles Root & Nichatiah Root and after being duly sworn deposeth & saith that they were well acquainted with the Improvement above named and it never was valued to Chee kee ah nor to his heirs and they was compelled to leave the same by the operations of the Citizens of the United States, at that time and compelled to move to the Cherokee side of the above named River and that they believe that above claim is just and true to the best of their knowledge
Sworn to & subscribed before us
This 5th April 1842
D. Carter & J.D Wofford Charles her x mark Root
Special Clerks for making out Nichatiah her x mark Root
Claims for Tahlequah District