The United States
To Che yoh say, a native Cherokee For property abandoned in the State of Arkansas (illegible) Creek, occasioned by removal from said place in the year 1829, under Treaty of 1828 with the western Cherokees Present residence, on Fourteen mile Creek Tahlequah District
To 10 Head of Cattle 70$ $70.00
“ 5 acres cleared land not valued or paid for 40.00
Personally came before us, Che yoh say, a native Cherokee & claimant of the above spoliation, states on oath, That she never obtained any of the above property, or any consideration therefore of the U. States or any other person
Sworn & subscribed to before us
This 1st day of April 1842 Che yoh say her x mark
D. Carter & J.D. Wofford
Special clerks for making out
Claims for Tahlequah District
Personally came before us, Akey Smith, a native Cherokee & witness to the above account of the above named property as she the said Che yah say, has stated above & that she has never received any consideration for the same of the U. States or any other source whatever
Sworn & subscribed to before us
This 4th April 1842 Akey her x mark Smith
D. Carter & J.D. Wofford
Special clerks for making out
Claims for Tahlequah District