Nancy Bone Polisher

By wjeffbishop • • 2 Nov 2018

The United States                                            Hildebrand Detachment?

To Nancy Bone Polisher of the Cherokee Nation East Wako Kiah Village in Amohee District—present residence near Park Hill Tahlequah Cherokee Nation West

For the following, consisting of a farm not valued by the agents of the United States

1 house 1 corn crib 2 acres of land under cultivation

30 peach trees & 20 apple trees all of which is

Estimated full amount                                                                                                    $1.90.00

13 hogs—I cow & calf 1 horse all of which is

Valued at                                                                                                                             $1.00.00



The above said Nancy Bone Polisher was compelled by the opperation of the United States in 1838—to leave the aforesaid property-and that after being duly sworn she says that she has never been paid for the above names property.

Sworn to and subscribed before us

7th March 1842                                                  Nancy Bone Polisher her x mark

D Carter

JD Wofford


Personally came before us Pidgeon in Water & Gah lo noo hes kee and after being duly sworn deposeth and says that the above account is just & true and that she has never received any compensation for the above named property to the best of their knowledge

Sworn to & subscribed before us

7 March 1842                                                                                     Pidgeon in Water  his x mark

JD Wofford                                                                        

D Carter                                                                                               Gah lo noo hes kee  his x mark
