Nicholas Sanders
The United States To Nicholas Sanders Native Cherokee of the Eastern Cherokee Nation Tahloney, Cooseewaytee Dist. Georgia, near Gilmore County Emigrated to this country in Rich’d Taylors Detachment now reside on Caney Creek Tah-lequah District Cherokee Nation
1838 To 8 acres of corn growing crop $5 pr. acre $40.00
“ Dispossession rent charge for one field of 15 acares 280.00
1 road wagon & full set of Geering $1.50 150.00
15 cows and calves @ $15 225.00
8 yearlings $10 pr. $80-10 head of 3 year old steers @ $12 224.00
1 yoke oxen $50-1 mare $85—1 mule $85 220.00
1 sorrel Horse $65–1 mare & colt-80 145.00
1 Black horse large $100—75 head of hogs @ $3-pr. $3.75 475.00
25 head of sheep @$3-$75—1 loom $15- 6 bed steads @ $4-$24 114.00
3 tables $15-8 chairs $8-2 pr. (illegible) $10 33.00
3 spinning wheels $12—1 large wash kettle $7 19.00
1 iron pot 1 oven $10—2 sets of plates $2 13.00
6 sets of pewter plates $12-1 broad axe $5 17.00
2 pr. of Harnesses $4—6 stays $6-1 check reel $3 13.00
1 milk churn $3—2 water pails $2, 3 pr. cotton cards $3 8.00
1 Barshare plough $5—2 shovel ploughs $6 1.00
6 weeding hoes $3—1 branding Iron $2—8 bee hives $24 29.00
150 lbs of bacon 12 ½ $18—1 brass kettle $6 24.00
1 rifle gun $15—100 Bushels of corn @ 50 pr. 50.00
10 acres of oats growing crop $50 50.00
1 acre of sweet potatoes $40 40.00
Total amount $2180.00
Personally came before us Nicholas Sanders and after being duely sworn deposeth and saith that by operation of the US troops and Emigration to this country he was compelled to Abandon the above [stated] property some forcibly taken stolen or otherwise dispossessed, of which he has been dispoiled by the US citizens
Sworn to & subscribed before us
J.D Wofford special clks for collecting
David Carter claims
Tahlequah Dist Cherokee nation
April 15th 1842
Personally came before us Wm Prichet and after being sworn deposeth and saith that he was personally acquainted with N. Sanders in the Eastern Nation and know that he was in various ways despoiled of the property by the citizens of the U. States also some left in consequence of the emigration for which he has not, to the best of his recollection been paid
Sworn to & subscribed before us
J.D Wofford Special clks for collecting William Prichet his x mark
David Carter claims Tahlequah District Cherokee Nation
April 15th 1842