
By wjeffbishop • • 23 Oct 2018

No. 3

United States                                                             To King Fisher or Charles (illegible)

To 1 Black man taken by whites in 1828 —                           $80.00

1 small (illegible) taken by whites —                                        80.00

1 Cow 12,, Ten head pork hogs 10,, per head—                  110.00

1 large Ride(?) 4,, 2 small potts 2 pn ft* —                            8.00

2 Coolers ,,50 each 1 water pail ,,75 —                                   3.25

1 Bareshear (?) plough & Gearing for the same —              8.00

1 Falling of (illegible) 3 meading hay (illegible) per hoe — 8.00

1 Drawing knife 1,50.00 2 pair cotton cards(?) —               3.00

1 spinning wheel 2,,– 2 cloth Looms 10 per Loom —         22.00

1 slaige(?) & harness for Loom 3,,- 1 thread Reel 3,,          6.00

30 bushels Corn 1,, per bushel – 2 (illegible) Beans 1 per bean(?) — 32.00

2 acres cleared land made after Treaty ,35 —                      30.00

1 Log cabbin 40,, — 1 side padde(?) 15,, – 1 Bridle 2,,–    57.00

1 Field of standing corn 18 acres 10 per acre —                  180.00

1 acre sweet potatoes 75,, –Bean patch 4,, —                     79.00



The above claimant Kingfisher states that he (Wakia?) river near Michael Hildebrand Tennessee part of the Eastern Nation & he arrested by U.S. troops to the &(illegible) in the month of May 1838 and conveyed Detittis(?) station afterwards brought Chero. Agency Calhoun(?) & there joined Jas. Browns detachment & came on to this Country & is now seated on the waters (illegible) of Falling River near to the forks, Tah le quah District near Stand Watie’s.

This deponant further states that all of the above named property was taken & made use of by the whites, who were then settling in the country and that he never received any pay for said property from any person whatever and that the charges he has made for each & every item above named is (illegible) —–

sworn & subscribed to before us                               King his x mark Fisher

This 5th March 1842

David Carter

Jos. D. Warford


Personally came before us, Pigeon in Water & Ga lan noo hey ako Club Foot & depose & say that they lived a near neighbours to Kingfisher the foregoing claimant & are knowing to his arrest by the Troops in the month of May 1828 to which he refers, & to his having to leaving every item of the foregoing named property without receiving any consideration from any person (illegible) for it, (illegible) property & that for (illegible) who said claimant is justly entitled to the (illegible) on every item named—further those deponents say not

Sworn and subscribed to before us

This 5th March 1842                                                                         Pigeon his x mark Water

David Carter                                                                                       Ga lan noo hey ako his x mark Club Foot

Jos D. Warford


(K)ingfishers Claim


Sup  $6

Spoil ,,38

Tah le quah District

(Transcribed 2018 by Madeline Gray, from 1842 Cherokee Claims, Tahlequah District)

1835 Cherokee Census 48/270