Artsuttehee (N. Smith Water D)

By wjeffbishop • • 12 Nov 2018

The United States

                 To Art sut te hee, a native Cherokee To property abandoned in the Eastern Nation at his residence on the High Tower River state of Georgia in the year 1838—Came to this country under Gen’l N. Smith by water & now resides in Tahlequah District near the Forks of Illinois—

                To 1 sorrel mare 100$–1 year old calf 25$                                             $125.00

                “ 1 Black Do. 120$–1 Bay mare 80$                                                          200.00

                “ 1 stalion 70$–1 Do. Filly 50$                                                                     120.00

                “ 1 sorrel mare 60.—1 Large (illegible) horse 150                                210.00

                “ 1 chesnut sorrel mare 95.—1 First rate poney 60                             155.00

                “ 1 Gray mare—50.—1 Dark Brown mare 24.                                        84.00

                “ Loaned to Ely Wells a citizen of the U. States, one

                hundred dollars in cash, which was to be paid

                within two weeks after loaned & he was forced off

                to this Country by the U. States agent, without being

                permitted to make collection of the said Wells—state

                that he had a note on Wells for the amount but is lost

                or misplaced, so that it cannot now be come at                                  $100

                “ 20 Head of sheep 60$–1 cow & calf 15$                                              75.00

                “ 1 Three year old steer 16$–1 Two year old Bull 6-                           22.00

                “ 1 other cow & calf at 16$                                                                           16.00

                “ 1 Large Iron Kettle 8.—1 smaller do. 5.—17 head hogs                 [85].00

                “ 30 Head stock hogs 90.—4 ploughs 5.—4 pair gears 7                   108.00

                “ 4 clevises 2.—4 single trees 2.50—16 chickens 2.                            6.50

                “ 7 Ducks 1.75—4 acres cleared made after year 1835 5 in corn   61.75

                “ 12 acres cleared as above not pla[n]ted                                              96.00

                “ 16 acres which had been valued, planted in corn                             80.00

                “ 1 small patch Irish potatoes & other vegitables                                10.00

                “ 1 Rifle Gun 30.—1 other Do. 15.—1 Loom 8.—2 reids                   54.00

                To 1 sorrel mare & calf taken by citizens of the U. States

3 years after the close of the Creek War & never

got or any consideration therefor                                                             60.00



Personally came before us, Art sut te hee, a native Cherokee & claimant of the foregoing account Deposeth & saith on oath That he was dispossessed of the foregoing named property by white people citizens of the U. States at the time & places named in the account & that he was promised by Gen’l N. Smith Emigrating agent, that he should be paid for the property thus left, but he never saw the pay yet, neither has he received any consideration whatever of the U. States or any other source for said property—

Sworn & subscribed to before us                               Art sut te hee his x mark

This 25th March 1842

D. Carter & J.D. Wofford

Special Clerks for making out

claims for Tahlequah District

Personally came before us, Su ta tay gee a native Cherokee & witness to the foregoing account and deposeth & saith on oath, That he lived a neighbor to the said Art sut te hee in the Eastern nation, at the time & previous to his removal West, & is knowing to his possessing much property of the kind he has named which he has to abandon when he left that Country, not having an opportunity to dispose of it—and also has a distinct recollection of the white people citizens of the U. States taking the mare & calf after the close of the Creek War—

Sworn & subscribed to before us                               Su ta tay gee his x mark

This 25th March 1842

D. Carter & J.D. Wofford

Special Clerks for making out

claims for Tahlequah District