
By wjeffbishop • • 28 Nov 2018

The United States To Ah ley a native Cherokee To property abandoned in the Eastern nation, head of Chattooga. Walker County County Georgia in the year 1838—came to this country in Richard Taylors Detachment –& now resides on the Illinois River Tahlequah District—To Wit—

To 9 acres in growing corn, worked over (illegible)                                             $90.00

“ 3 Do. made since 1835—planted in corn                                                             60.00

“ 1 Do. in potatoes & other vegitables                                                                     34.00

“ 8 cows & calves 45$–2 two year old cow [& calf]                                            65.00

“ 1 Bay horse 100$–1 Bay mare 80$–1 first and Bay poney 60                      240.00

“ 1 Brown poney mare 50$–1 Large plough 6$–2 pair gears 5-                     61.00

“ 3 weeding hoes & 3 axs—1 Large pott—4 small Do.                                       19.25

“ 2 water pails—2 Tin puckets—1 sett Table spoons                                         3.25

“ 2 coffee pots—10 common & 6 finer quality plates                                        3.25

“ 1 sett knives & Forks—1 Large Dish—1 pitcher–                                             5.00

“ 6 Tin cups—1 sett plated spoons—1 Table                                                         5.25

“ 1 Bed—3 quilts–& Bed stead, 2 Bed Blankets                                                    29.50

“ 1 Loom—1 sett harness—2 Reids –1 spinning wheel                                     11.25

“ 2 pair cotton cards—5 hand spun & 5 callico dresses                                    32.00

“ 8 yds callico—4 yds domestick—1 Marino shawl                                             10.50

“ 1 Black silk handkerchief—2 pair yarn stockings                                               3.00

“ 1 sett chairs –2 Bushels meal—6 Bushel corn                                                    7.50

“ 30 chickens—100 head hogs 3 pr. hog                                                                 304.00

“ 1 woman saddle                                                                                                            15

“ 400 Bundles Fodder—2 Rifle guns                                                                         46.00

To 1 small Improvement situated not far from the Improvement named

above in Walker County Ga. overlooked by assessing agents consisting of—

“ 1 House (dwelling) & corn crib                                                                 30.00

“ 36 apple Trees—10 peach Trees                                                             41.00


                                                                Whole amt                                          $1115.75

Personally came before us, Ah ley, a native Cherokee, & claimant of the above account states on oath, That she abandoned the foregoing property in the Eastern Nation, without Receiving any consideration of the united states, or, any other person whomsoever—and that the prices she has put upon the same she believes to be just & fair—The property above named in part she states, listings to the grand children , whose parents are dead, & she thereby has the care of them, being the natural guardian 

Sworn & subscribed to before us                              

This 24th March 1842                                       Ah her x mark ley

D. Carter & J.D. Wofford

Special clerks for making out


Personally came before us, The Singer & Taw chu lay nah witnesses to the foregoing account–& depose & say on oath That they were acquainted with the said Ah ley in the Eastern Nation & had been living near neighbor to her for several years previous to her Removal West & knew that she was brought off without disposing of any of the above property with to our knowledge has she ever received any consideration since her Removal to the West

Sworn & subscribed to before us                              

This 24th March 1842                                       Taw chu lay nah  his x mark

David Carter & J.D. Wofford                        The Singer his x mark

Special clerks for making out

Claims for Tahlequah District