Duck (Heirs)

By wjeffbishop • • 28 Nov 2018

The United States

To Heirs of Duck deceased, a native Cherokee For property abandoned in the Eastern nation, on che yo ils State of North Carolina—said Duck deceased in the old nation previous to the year 1838—But had his dispossessments valued before his death—The value of abandoned property claimed by his heirs—Ga naw he ly & A re te yah—residents of the Barren Fork of Illinois River near Ges. Hasling Tahlequah District—To Wit—

                To 8 Head of horses 160$–2 cows 20$                                     $180.00

                “ 4 sows & pigs 24$–1 Large Pott [12]—2 small do.           [7]2.00

                “ 1 Bake oven 2.—2 water puckets 2.–                                   4.00

                “ 1 Large Tin pucket 1.25—24 chickens 2.50                          3.75

                “ 1 Large brass kettle 2.50—1 Large Bell 1.50                        4.00

                “ 4 Red blankets 12.—2 axs 4.—1 Rifle Gun 25.                    41.00

                “ 1 other Gun 8.—1 Field of cleared land made after

                1835 not valued 60.                                                                         68.00


                                                                                Whole amt                          $412.75

Personally came before us, Ga naw he ly & A ra te yah, native Cherokees & claimants of the above account as heirs to the Estate of Duck deceased—depose & say on oath That the above named property belonging to the Estate of Duck deceased was abandoned in the Eastern nation at the time & place named above & that no consideration has ever been paid forth same by the U. States or any other source, & that prices fixed upon the same they believe to be just & true

Sworn & subscribed to before us

This 30th day of March 1842                         Ga naw he ly his x mark

D. Carter & J.D Wofford                                A re te tah her x mark

Special Clerks for making out

Claims for Tahlequah District