John Skeske
The United States To Johns ske ske a Cherokee of the Cherokee Nation East resided at a place called Tah lo nay coo(illegible) District now Gilmore country State of Georgia present residence (illegible) creek near to (illegible) District Cherokee Nation
Spoliation claims reasoned by the troops of the United States commandery Gen’l Scott in the year of 1838. To rent for 1 field of 9 acres possession taken by a citizen of the United States named John (illegible) $45 00
18 acres of growing crop corn at 62.50
12 Do Do another field near(?) that house(?) 34.50
8 Do Do Do 25.00
1 Do Do Do only corn 20.00
½ Do in Irish potatoes $5 1 small vegetable garden 5. 10.00
1 acre sweet potatoes $50 . 1 mare $80 . 1 horse $100 230.00
1 cow & calf $15 . 4 cows heavy with calf $60 75.00
2 cows $25 . 5 1 & 2 year olds $8. 10 heads sheep $48 81.00
4 large sows $28 . 11 smaller sows $55 83.00
15 bushel corn $15. 1 loom $10. 1 large pot $6 31.00
1 dinner pot $4 . 1 small pot $3 . 3 large pewter dishes $4 11.00
3 shovel ploughs $9 . 3 pr. trace chains harness and collars 22.30
5 weeding hoes $5, 2 axes $4 1 mattock 1 10.00
1 handsaw $1.50. ½ auger $.50, ¾ auger $7 22.75
1 drawing knife 1.50 1 chisel 50 1 set (illegible) 3.00
(illegible) 1 rifle gun $25, 2 beehives $8 36.00
30 (illegible) Basket $15 2 weavers Read $2 17.00
1 pr. weavers harness $1. 2 shuttles 50 1.50
4 chairs $4 2 pr. cotton cards $2 spring steel yards 150 7.50
[3] large padlocks $3 1 set knives & forks $3 (illegible) $2 8.00
1 (illegible) Reel $2, 2 (illegible) 1 50 3.50
2 spinning(?) wheel $700 .6 (illegible) 75 7.75
1 saddle $7 24 (illegible) $3 1 Bushel (illegible) $1 (illegible) 5 00 16.00