The United States To Tah chus see of the Cherokee Nation East of Wills Valley near to Pipe, now Alabama state, emigrated to this country in Benge’s Detachment. Present residence at Pipes house on fourteen mile creek who is an old man and blind
Spoliation occasioned by the Troops of the United States under Gen’l Scott
1838 1 Pot large 4$ 1 axe 3$ 1 Hatchet 1$ $8.00
1 Knife 50 cts 1 large foot adge 2$ 2.50
1 weeding how 1$ 1 Gun $20.00 21.00
4 cane baskets 50 pr. 2.00
Personally came before us the Pipe & Segowee and after being duely sworn deposeth & saith that they lived near to Tahchussee in Wills Valley and was knowing to leaving such property as is named above which he neither sold nor disposed of any of said property nor has the aforesaid blind man which is named above Rec’d any compensation for such property that the claim is just and true
Sworn to & subscribed before us
David Carter Pipe his x mark
J.D Wofford Clks Segowee his x mark
Tahlequah Cherokee Nation March 16th 1842