Harry Hughes
The United States No. 7
To Harry Hughes
For 3 head of horses — one @ 75 ea. two @ 45 each 165.00
” 2 cows and calves @ 12 ea. 24.00
” 2 Cabins 150.00
” 13 acres cleared land 130.00
” 20 Bearing Peach trees 20.00
” 1 Cabin & crib 1.10
” 1 Rifle gun taken by the soldiers 30.00
” 8 acres cleared land 80.70
The claimant in this case states (on oath) that he had two places, the one containing 13 acres cleared land lay on the Hightower River, and the other on Pine Log, neither of which was ever valued to his knowledge, and that he was forced away from home and forced to come to this country in Bells detachment & now lives on Spring Creek.
The horses charged in this account he supposes were stolen as he lost them out of their common range, and was never able to hear from them. The cows & calves went in the same way. The rifle was taken by the soldiers.
Sworn to and submitted before me 7th March 1842 J. Mulkey clk
Harry (x) Hughes
his mark
No. 7
Johnson Hughes states (on oath) that he lived a near neighbor to Harry Hughes, that he knew of his having the stock pointed out in the account, and that he lost it in the range and never received any benefit from it, and that he was forced to remove without having his places valued.
Johnson (x) Hughes
his mark
Sworn to and submitted before me 7th March 1842 J. Mulkey clk
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