Richard Wofford
The United States No. 14
Richard Wofford
For 10 head killing hogs @ $8 $80
” 30 Stock @2 60
” 1 new man’s saddle 20 160
The claimant in this case came to this country in 1829 from Hightower and states on oath that the whites took the hogs out of a pen where he had them up and drove them away & that he lost the saddle the same night, and supposes the same lawless company got it
Sworn & subscribed before me 10th March 1842
J. Mulkey clk
Richard (x) Wofford
his mark
No. 14
The witness Richard Row in this case states on oath that he knew the claimant while they lived on Hightower and that he new of his having the hogs penned and from various circumstances feels sure that they were taken as stated in the claim together with the saddle
Sworn to before me 10th March 1842 J. Mulkey clk
Richard (x) Row
his mark