Suntahteykee (Nathaniel Smith D)
The United States do to Sun tah tey hee a native Cherokee of the Cherokee nation East of Pine Log Coo-soo-wattee District, Georgia Emigrated to this country in 1838- by Nathanial Smith, Emigrating Agent of the U.S. Present residence near Park Hill Tahlequah District
Spoliations occasioned by Troops of the U. States (illegible)
1838 12 acres of corn, growing crop ———- $60,00
2 acres of sweet potatoes $40 – cabbages $10 — 50.00
2 shovel ploughs & stocks $5- 2 salt (illegible) — 13.00
3 acres – 1 loom(?) (illegible) $6 — 2 per martingals(?) $4—- 10.00
2 (Bee) Hives $10 a Bell 75 -5 saws & 20 shoots(?) & pipes $75 — 85.75
1 Dinner pot $6 2- stonable(?) pots $3.50 —- 7.50
2 shaw(?) plaited baskets with lids $2 – 1 Bow Do(?) $1 – 3.00
½ (illegible) Glass jumbles $1- 3 setts of plates $2 —- 3.00
1 sett of (illegible) cups and saucers $1 – 2 plates $1.25 — 2,,25
1 Tin Bucket $1 – 1 water pail $1 – 2 k(illegible) $1.25 – 2,,25
1 Coffee pot – $1 – 1 (illegible) $1.75 2 tin pans $1.75 – 4,,50
1 Table $2 – 3 Bedsteads $6 = 1 mackinaw blade $8 — $16,,00
1 bed, wearing apparel, Bed Clothes— $45,,00
16 chickens $2 – 12 ducks $3- 5 cane baskets $1.50 – 6,,50
2 Geese $2 = 10 acres of cleaned land, since the valuations were
made by assessing Agent (illegible) — 102,,00
2 por pot Hooks $1 = 1 pr (illegible) 50 – 1 mattock $1 – 2,,50
5 head of horses $220 —Fifty (illegible) —– 270,,00
$110 marked paid on the Agents Books —— 110,,00
Personally came before us, Sun-tah-teh-kee, and after being duly sworn deposeth and saith that he and many other Cherokee people were forcibly arrested and brought to this country and that he was thereby compelled to have all of his property.
He also deposeth in relation to the item of 110 in the above account that when he went to Fort Gibson to receive his money he was informed by the disbursing Agent that that sum of his (illegible) had been paid to him in the Old Nation East at the Cherokee Agency, near Calhoun at which date and time he was not permitted to get to the Agency nor has he ever received any sum of money finer(?) his capture up to this nor authorized any person to draw the same in his name or otherwise that if the above named sum has been paid to any other person, it must have been fraudulently obtained as he has not authorized any person to draw his money in any manner whatever.
Sworn and subscribed to before us
J.D. Wofford (illegible) Sun-tah-tey-kee his x mark
D. Carter
Tahlequah district Cherokee Nation
March 21st 1842
Personally came before us, Ah kil lan ne Gah, who being (illegible) deposeth and saith that he was being neighbor to the above claimant on Pine Log at the time he was compelled to Emigrate to this country and that he left all of the above property as set forth in the account. He does not know now never heard of his receiving any compensation for the same.
Sworn and Subscribed to before us
David Carter (illegible) Ah-kil-lan-ne-Gah his x mark
J. Wofford
No. 84
Sun-tah-tey-kee’s Claim