1838—The United States No. 87 To Adawe or Adam of Shoemack Town Dr.
To property abandoned in the Eastern Nation, Shoemack Town state of Georgia—came to the West in James Wofford’s Detachment & now lives on the waters of Cany Creek in Going Snake District—To Wit—
To 2 acres of cleared land made after the year 1836
planted in corn, beans, potatoes, & cotton 60.00
“ 1 Large Kettle, 1 Large pott $1 oven & loa 13.00
“ 1 Dinner Pott, 4 small do. & 1 Frying pan 8.00
“ 2 water puckets, & 2 water pails 4.00
“ 2 Bells 1.50—1 spinning wheel –3.50—2 pair cotton cards 2 7.00
“ 1 Cheek Reel 4.50—3 sett plates 4.50
“ 3 Coolers 1.50 –4 Tin cups—4 small Do. 2.25
“ 2 puter basins 2. 15 Baskets cain 7.00
“ 32 lbs picked cotton 4.—1 gallon jug 4.50
“ 4 lbs wool, 10 yds spun thread & 12 bushel corn 10.00
“ 2 (illegible) Bottles .50—1 cloth Loom 15. 15.50
“ 1 pair measure harness, & 2 Do. Reeds 4.00
“ 2 ploughs & 2 pair of geres 12.–& 2 falling axs 5. 17.00
“ 3 weeding hoes 1.50—16 new wooden spoons 2. 3.50
“ 1 old two (illegible) saddle 5. 1 cow & calf 15. 20.00
“ 1—4 year old steer 20. 1 Bay horse 50. 70.00
“ 20 Head Pork hogs 200. 2 sows & pigs 8. 208.00
“ 7 Head young hogs–& 20 chickens 15 15.00
Whole amt 469.25
Personally came before us Adam, a native Cherokee & claimant of the foregoing account deposeth & saith on oath That owing to the force of circumstances existing in the Eastern Nation in the year 1838 he was compelled to abandon the above named property-and that he has never received any consideration for the property thus abandoned of the U.U or any other person whatsoever
Sworn & subscribed to before us
This 12th day of March 1842 Adam his x mark
D. Carter Clerks
Jas.D. Wofford
Personally came before us, The Stealer & Jack Walking Stick native Cherokees, and witnesses to the foregoing claims, & state on oath, That they were personally acquainted with Adam, & lived near him in the Eastern Nation was knowing to his possessing the above named property here & having to abandoned the same at the time he has set forth in his own statement & has do not know of his getting any consideration therefor, of any person whomever
Sworn & subscribed to before us
This 25th March 1842 The Stealer his x mark
D. Carter & Jas.D. Wofford Jack Walking his x mark Stick