Archy Keener
The United States
To Archy Keener a native Cherokee, To property abandoned in the Eastern Nation in the year 1838, on the Coosa River, near Turnip Mountain State of Georgia—Came in R. Taylor’s Detachment present Residence on Caney Creek Tahlequah Dist.
1822—To 1 Turnpike situated at Turnip Mountain in the state of Georgia, on the Road leading from Alabama by the way of Turkey Town into Georgia, crossing the Oo sta saa lih River at Maj. Ridges Ferry—north 365,, pr. Annum and being dispossessed in the year 1822 until 1838—including the term of sixteen years, by whites citizens of the U. States $5840.00
To being dispossessed by citizens of the U. States of 3 acres of cleared land in the year 1832 until the year 1838-making six years 90.00
At the time of Removal from East to West in 1838
To 150 Head of stock hogs–& 2 cows & calves 480.00
“ 22 Head of sheep 5$ each—1 Horse five years old $50 160.00
“ 600 Boards 3$–6 Head of Goats 12$–1 cloak 12$ 27.00
“ 1 Fiddle 6$–18 chickens 2.25 8.25
“ 2 months work for white people citizens of the U. States while yet in
the Eastern Nation & just before removal & brought off to this Country
without having any opportunity of getting my wages 20.00
Whole amt $6615.25
Personally came before us, Archy Keener, a native Cherokee, & claimant of the above account, & states on oath That the above claims or property was abandoned by him in the Eastern Nation at the time & in the manner stated above, & that he has never received any consideration of the U. States or any other source for the same whatever
Sworn & subscribed to before us
This 29th day of March 1842 Archy his x mark Keener
D. Carter & J.D. Wofford
Special clerks for making out
Claims for Tahlequah District
Personally came before us, Susana & Flute native Cherokee and witnesses to the foregoing claim of Archy Keener, and depose & say on oath, That they were personally acquainted with the said Keener in the Eastern Nation & are knowing to his abandoning the foregoing named property in that Country at the time of our expulsion from there & that he has never received any consideration for the (illegible) & the amount claimed pr. Annum for the Turnpike & the prices fixed upon the other property we believe to be just & reasonable
Sworn & subscribed to before us
This 29th day of March 1842 Susana her x mark
D. Carter & J.D. Wofford Flute his x mark
Special clerks for making out
Claims for Tahlequah District