John Deer In Water

By wjeffbishop • • 29 Oct 2018

The United States D. To John Deer in Water of the Cherokee Nation East near old agency in Walkers neighborhood Amohee District Emigrated to this country in Colstons detachment present residence on Spring Creek Tahlequah District Cherokee Nation.

                Spoliation claim occasioned by the Troops of the United States made under Gen’l Scott

1838- 1 4 year old mare blooded stock                                                                                   $120.00

                (illegible) 3 years old 150$ 1 mare 8 years old at 60$                                         210.00

                6 cows & calves as 15 3 large (illegible) at 35$                                                      50.00

                25 head of stock hogs at 5 pr., 12 chickens                                                            $200

                18 Ducks 4.50cts                                                                                                               $4.50

                1 cabbin of round logs – 20$-16 acres of growing (illegible) of corn

                at 10$ per acre – 1 acre of sweet potatoes $50

                1 Table 4$ 1 cubboard 3$ 6 chairs 3$ 1 large pot 5$                                           15.00

                2 small pots $3.50 1 chopping axe  1 75, 1 mattock 150                                   6.75

                1 shovel plough. $2.00, 1  1 horse Barshare Plough 2,00                                  4.00

                1 pr. trace chains & collar 150,cts 2 clevis & pins $200                                      3.50

                3 water pails 150 4 sickles—4$–1 spinning wheel 3$                                         8.50

                1 hand saw 2.50   1 2 Inch 1½ $3.00. 3 chissel $150                                            5.00

                1 drawing knife 1 & 1 Gimblet 12½, 1 hammer 50 cts                                        1.62 ½

                1 pr. cotton cards—1$ pr. pot hooks—50cts                                                         1.50


                                                                                                                                                                $430.37 ½ 

                Personally came before us John Deer in the Water and after being duly sworn deposeth and saith that the above spoliation is just & true to the best if his knowledge

                Sworn to & subscribed before us

James D. Wofford            Special

David Carter                       Clerks                                                    John Deer in Water his x mark

Tahlequah District Cher. Nation

March 15th 1842

Personally came before us the Stass & Caty and after being duly sworn saith that they lived near neighbor to John Deer in Water, near the Hiwassee River when they knew his to leave at his residence some Horses running in the Range also office property which was left for all which he has never rec’d any compensation Either from the United by their Agent or from any other persons & believe that account to be just & true for property abandoned

Sworn to and subscribed before us

J.D. Wofford                                                                                       Nogewse on Stass  his x mark

David Carter                                                                                       Caty her x mark

Tahlequah District Ch. March 15th 1838